I intended to put all characters in place in prep for the Steam launch but realized that there too many… so this a PART of the characters you’ll be able to meet during the game
To the left, Scarlett as she is in the Itch.io version, to the right the model for the Steam version
Above is the C-squad in casual wear from the Itch.io version, below is the new Steam one
The game is already listed on Steam and can be added to your withlist!
The expected release date for early access is early December 2023
The Steam launch version contains
– the full main story
– an additional Steam exclusive bonus character
– several upgraded character models
– several updates on the story compared to the itch.io version
Plans for early access version
new game+ mode added for player who have finished the game and want to explore more of the background story. While the main game only contains events where the main character was present, the new game+ will feature additional events to shed more light on what is really going on. As this will contain major spoilers, you’ll have to finish the game first
Plans for the future
If there is enough interest in the game there might be a 18+ DLC comming once the early access phase has been finished 🙂